In May 2012, Maygen was struggling with severe depression when she learned her friend’s cat had recently given birth to a litter kittens, one of which was a tiny tortoiseshell cat who was a little different from the others. The professionals who treated Maygen for depression following a suicide attempt told her it might be good for her to have a pet to love and care for, so she arranged to meet the little tortie kitten with the unusual back legs.

“Once I saw her,” remembers Maygen, “I knew she was perfect for me. I had always been ‘different’ to everyone, and so was she.” Maygen brought the little kitten — who was the runt of the litter — home with her that day, naming the adorable tortoiseshell cat Rosie. “I knew she needed to be loved just like I did,” explains Maygen.

Shortly after adopting Rosie, Maygen took her new kitten to the vet for an examination, and the doctor confirmed her back legs hadn’t developed normally in utero, possibly because Rosie didn’t have enough space in her mother’s womb. While this congenital condition impacts the way in which Rosie gets around, this fun-loving little tortie is able to do pretty much everything the average kitty can.

“Many people think she cannot jump, climb, or run because of her legs,” says Maygen, “but they are definitely wrong!” In fact, Rosie uses her front legs to pull herself up pretty much anywhere she wants to go, and she’s able to jump approximately two feet off the ground.

Inspired by her incredible experience with Rosie — a kitty who has no trouble overcoming challenges — Maygen decided to adopt more special needs cats. Today, Rosie shares her home with three other kitties, and she doesn’t have any difficulty keeping up with them. “She runs — or more like gallops — almost as fast as her other siblings!” says Maygen. Rosie also loves to play with toys, chase after the red dot, and roll around in the grass during supervised time outside, but her favorite activity is begging for cheese!

However, this adorable tortie’s unique legs do impact the way in which she uses the litter box — although Rosie has gotten much better with this over time — so she sometimes needs a little help after going to the bathroom. Thankfully, her mom is more than happy to assist Rosie, the special cat who helped her get through one of the most challenging times of her life.

During the course of the five years Maygen has had Rosie, she’s brought three other special needs cats into her home, and she’s certain they’re different from the average feline — but not in the ways people might expect. “They are the most loving animals in the world,” says Maygen. “They appreciate their humans so much, and I truly believe it is because they understand that both we need each other.”

Maygen is incredibly thankful for the special bond she’s formed with her sweet tortie cat, and she’s particularly grateful for the compassion and unconditional love she’s received from Rosie. “She saved my life more than I think I saved hers,” says Maygen. “I’m just so blessed to have spent the last five years with her, and I can’t wait for many more to come.”

To learn more about this adorable cat, you can follow Rosie on Instagram.