While I’ve seen lots of black and white cats in my lifetime, when I spotted Sally on Instagram, something about her unique markings immediately grabbed my attention! I quickly learned the stunning feline’s distinctive coloring was due, at least in part, to vitiligo, I condition I was familiar with in part because I sat for a cat with the auto-immune disorder a couple years ago.
Eager to help raise awareness about this relatively rare condition that affects both animals and people, I reached out to her mom Michelle, and she graciously agreed to share Sally’s story with me. Through my Michelle, I discovered this gorgeous girl’s markings are actually the result of two hereditary conditions, not one, as well as when Sally’s coat first began to change color. I also learned about Sally’s deep bond with Jack, her litter mate, and how one of my favorite movies served as inspiration for their names!
I thoroughly enjoyed learned about Sally, and I hope you too will learn a little something from my interview with Michelle!
Meow As Fluff: How did you end meet Sally?
Michelle: We met Sally at her foster parents house through a local cat adoption — she and her brother were actually passed up on by multiple adopters. We were happy to take them in.

MAF: What is Sally’s birthday, and when did you adopt her?
M: We adopted Sally in February 2021 — she was six months old when we adopted her.
MAF: What made you decide to adopt a special cat?
M: We had no idea Sally had vitiligo when we adopted her. The markings started to appear six months after we adopted her. She and her brother Jack were two medium-haired, all black cats when we brought them home!

MAF: Can you tell me a bit about vitiligo and how it affects Sally specifically?
M: Vitiligo is a hereditary skin condition that causes the skin and fur to lose pigmentation, which is turning Sally’s black fur white. Her markings are completely unique to her, and can continue to change over time.

Sally is also a chimera cat. This occurs when two embryos merge together in the womb — this is the reason her markings are only on one side of her face! Other than her striking appearance, these conditions due not cause Sally any pain or discomfort. She is happy and healthy!

MAF: What are some of the biggest misconceptions you think people have about cats with vitiligo?
M: Vitiligo in animals as well as humans has the misconception that it is anything other than beautiful and completely unique.

We have gained so many followers who wear vitiligo proudly, Sally’s page has become a way to shine a light on a condition so many people share, and the overflowing amount of love and attention she’s received only amplifies the fact that what makes someone different makes them beautiful!
MAF: What are some of the challenges — if any — you and Sally have faced as a result of her vitiligo?
M: There have been no challenges concerning Sally’s vitiligo. My brother is a veterinarian and was the one who originally diagnosed Sally when her color started to change. We keep a close eye on her health.

MAF: What are some of Sally’s favorite activities?
M: Sally loves her cat brother, Jack. The two of them are completely bonded, they cuddle and play all day long.

She also loves to play in the sheets when I try to make the bed and her long cat naps!
MAF: Can you tell me the story behind her name?
M: We named our cats Jack and Sally because of the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Our 6-year-old daughter is obsessed with the movie, and we also wanted to give love to black cats in general, who get passed up a lot in shelters. The Halloween movie names were our ode to our beloved black cats.
MAF: What does she mean to you?
M: Sally means so much to our entire family.

Sally and Jack both bring such a joy to our lives. Jack and Sally have both “chosen” our daughter as their person, and to see them protect her and the love they all share at such a young age is more than my cat loving heart can handle!
To learn more about this stunning cat, you can follow Sally on Instagram!