When Andrea García learned her boyfriend found a sickly kitten all alone on the streets of Madrid, she immediately rushed to help the young cat. Andrea discovered the kitten was extremely thin and both of his eyes were badly infected, and she knew he was unlikely to survive much longer unless someone rescued him.
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However, when Andrea asked her mother for permission to bring the feeble feline home with her, her mom refused because they already had six cats at home. “She said no,” remembers Andrea, “but when I showed him in a video conference, she told me to take him home, as we needed to save him.”
On July 15, 2019, Andrea rescued the little kitten, and the following day she took him to see an emergency veterinarian. “When they asked me about his name, I just thought about naming him after my boyfriend, as he was the one who found him,” says Andrea, so she named the tiny cat Micky. A thorough examination revealed Micky was approximately six weeks old but very underweight and malnourished, and he had ear mites in addition to severe infections in both of his eyes.
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“Since nobody was taking care of him, he had conjunctivitis and scratched so much that the cornea was cracked,” says Andrea. While Micky was in poor health, the vet believed gaining weight would help him improve significantly, so Andrea was sent home with orders to fatten him up.

“We gave him food and he started to eat a lot!” remembers Andrea. “Poor him. He did not eat when he was on the streets.” With Andrea’s help, Micky put on weight, and while the vet was able to save one of the young kitten’s eyes, the other one was so badly damaged that it had to be removed.
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“After the operation, he took his time to wake up, but after he did it, he started to play and eat again!” says Andrea. Initially, it took Micky a little while to adjust to life as a one-eyed cat, and he particularly struggled with gauging distances, causing him to injure himself on a few occasions. However, with his mom’s help, Micky persevered.

“One month after his operation, he was in perfect condition and could play as much as any other cat,” remembers Andrea. Several months later, Andrea and Micky now live with her boyfriend in Germany, and this special boy is thriving! In fact, while he once had troubling judging distances, this one-eyed wonder is now a remarkable hunter.
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“What he likes the most is to catch feet,” says Andrea, and Micky loves pouncing on his parents’ toes every time they walk by him. While Micky is a pretty typical cat, Andrea has found some people are still adverse to adopting pets who look different or have health issues.

“People want a perfect cat, like an object that must be in perfect condition,” says Andrea, but to her, Micky is perfect just the way he is, and she hopes more people will consider adopting special cats like Micky, especially because this handsome boy has brought so much fun and happiness into her life. “Since he arrived at home, we decided that he was another member of our family. Micky is my son.”

To learn more about this adorable kitten, you can follow Micky on Instagram.