When Bryanna saw a picture of a stunning blind kitten who was available for adoption through Jacksonville Humane Society, she felt an immediate connection with the gorgeous grey cat who was born on March 26, 2018.

Not only was the special needs kitten beautiful, she looked strikingly similar to Lemon, the blind cat Bryanna had adopted in October 2016. Sadly, Lemon was born with a heart murmur, and he had to be humanely and compassionately euthanized shortly after Christmas 2016 when he was approximately six months old. “He truly was an amazing cat,” says Bryanna.

Unable to resist the incredibly cute kitten who was the spitting image of her beloved Lemon, Bryanna traveled from her home in Miami to Jacksonville, Florida, on May 31, 2018, and adopted the blind two-month-old cat, naming her Lime. “When I saw Lime, I had to get her,” says Bryanna. While Lemon was born blind, Bryanna learned Lime had developed a severe infection when she was just a few weeks old, and she ultimately had to have both of her eyes surgically removed.

Having shared her life with Lemon for several very special weeks, Bryanna knew firsthand how incredibly capable blind cats are, so she was confident Lime would be as happy and active as a sighted kitten. Just as she anticipated, Lime quickly settled into her forever home, becoming best friends with Letty, Bryanna’s sweet and extremely easygoing pit bull.

More than five months later, these two are practically inseparable, making them an adorable odd couple. “Lime loves her sister, Letty,” says Bryanna. “Lime loves to chase Letty’s tail and play with whatever toy Letty has. They truly are best friends.”

In addition to playing with Letty, Lime adores spending time with Rajah and Deadpool, her family’s beloved tabby cats, and this cute blind kitten can’t resist a crinkly toy or a good meal. “Lime lets her nose get her in trouble,” explains Bryanna. “You can’t leave any food out or Lime will find it! Her other sense are definitely heightened.”

In fact, Bryanna often jokes that Lime is able to see far better than her sighted sisters! “Lime can catch a fly in the middle of the air,” says Bryanna. “She knows exactly where the table scraps are and Lime sleeps at the highest spot of the cat tree.”

In fact, the only special accommodation Bryanna has to make for this adorable blind girl involves not moving her furniture around too often, a minor adjustment that makes it much easier for Lime to navigate her home.

While people often feel sorry for blind cats like Lemon and Lime, Bryanna knows they’re capable of having happy and fulfilling lives, so she believes they don’t need to be treated with pity simply because they can’t see. “A lot of people feel bad for blind cats and they shouldn’t,” explains Bryanna. “Blind cats are amazing creatures that should be celebrated! They need love just like other cats do.”

During his short life, Lemon was definitely celebrated by his mom, with Bryanna even creating a bucket list to help him fill his time on Earth with as many fun and unique experiences as possible.

By opening her home and her heart up to another special needs cat, Bryanna is enabling Lemon’s legacy to live on through Lime, the outgoing kitten who she describes as the glue that holds her family together. “Lime is just an amazing, loving, playful, funny, confident little fluff!” says Bryanna. “I love her so so much that I can’t fit into words. Lime makes our lives whole.”