When Atoosa Taheri took her cat to the veterinary clinic near her home in Tehran, Iran, she met a two-month-old kitten who was on the verge of being euthanized because she’d been subjected to horrific abuse. “She was very badly hurt by a bad human and she had glue all over her body and she had wounds and burns from cigarettes and she smelled really bad,” remembers Atoosa.

Atoosa also learned the young cat had suffered a broken hip and a spinal cord injury, rendering her incontinent and paralyzed from the waist down. While the kitten was in terrible shape, Atoosa couldn’t bear the thought of allowing her to be put to sleep, especially because the little tri-color cat had been the victim of such unspeakable acts of cruelty.

“After we saw her sweet and lovely face we decided to keep her in our family,” says Atoosa. “We could not leave her to let the vets put her down.” In August 2018, Atoosa and her family adopted the adorable special needs kitten, naming her Danette after a popular French dessert.

Several months later, Danette is doing well, and while she has to wear diapers and is unable to walk or jump like a typical feline, that doesn’t stop her from having fun. “Danette is so happy when she is playing with other cats,” says Atoosa.
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This gorgeous girl also enjoys spending supervised time outside, exploring her family’s neighborhood with the aid of a wheelchair they purchased for her with funds from lots of generous donors.
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“All of our family members love her and we help each other to make Danette happy and healthy,” says Atoosa, “but in our country, maintenance costs for a handicapped cat are very high.” Thankfully, there are people all over the world who are determined to make sure this special girl gets everything she needs to thrive.

“I wish every special needs cat had a good and kind family who loved them this much,” says Atoosa. “She means the world to me.”

To learn more about this gorgeous kitten, you can follow Danette on Instagram.