After Amber Milliren’s beloved chihuahua passed away in early 2014, she was browsing Petfinder when Hogan, an adorable ginger and white cat with an unusual appearance, caught her eye. “I saw Hogan’s face and my heart melted,” remembers Amber, but she wasn’t sure if it was the right time for her and her family to adopt another pet. However, Amber couldn’t stop thinking about Hogan and his trademark wink, so she decided to visit Medina County SPCA to meet him in person.

“He instantly walked up to me and started kissing me and begging for attention,” says Amber. “He was so sweet and I fell in love.” When Amber came face to face with Hogan for the first time on March 21, 2014, he was around a year old, and she learned the handsome young cat had spent most of life at Medina County SPCA, showing up at the shelter when he was just a kitten.

“I was shocked that he had been at the shelter for a long time and that made me feel so bad for him,” remembers Amber. After all, not only was Hogan incredibly friendly and affectionate, his wink — the cause of which is unknown — gave him a one of a kind face Amber was unable to resist. Convinced Hogan was meant to spend his life with her, Amber adopted him the day of their first meeting, bringing him back to her family’s home in Akron, Ohio.

“I was afraid that no one would give sweet Hogan a chance, so I did!” says Amber. Hogan didn’t waste any time settling into his new home with Amber and her family, and nearly five years later, this handsome boy is doing great. While Hogan can be a bit mischievous — climbing on to the kitchen counters in search of snacks — Amber is absolutely smitten with this loving and playful feline.

“Hogan loves to cuddle — in my lap if I’m on the couch, or on my chest when I’m laying in bed!” says Amber. “He also loves to play with his toys and sprint through the house or watch the outdoor animals from the windows.”

While Hogan is in generally good health, he has had a few respiratory issues over the past few years. “I believe his nasal passageway is a little small,” explains Amber. “Most of the time it has just been a small cold that makes him sneeze a lot.”

However, Hogan has also had some serious respiratory infections that have caused him to lose both his appetite and his energy. After a frightening trip to the emergency animal clinic, x-rays, and an overnight hospital stay, Hogan eventually found a veterinarian who has been able to give him the treatment for his respiratory issues he needs and deserves.

“I think that a lot of vets assume he has something ‘wrong’ with him and may not approach his care the same way they might a ‘normal’ kitty,” says Amber. After meeting several other cats through social media who have similar features to Hogan, including his unusually small nose, Amber suspects he may actually have a chromosomal abnormality, and she is currently awaiting DNA results to learn more about this lovable boy.

While Hogan may not look like every other feline, Amber is confident he — and other special cats like him — deserve happy, loving homes where they are nurtured and cared for. “Just because a cat might look a little different, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t sweet and loyal just like any other feline,” says Amber.
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Amber, who wasn’t even sure if she wanted to adopt another pet when she saw Hogan’s picture online, is so grateful she made the decision to open her home up to him nearly five years ago. After all, not only has she been able to provide this fantastic feline with a wonderful family, Hogan has given her plenty of much-needed emotional support.

“I couldn’t imagine life without him — he truly makes my day brighter,” says Amber. “As a person who struggles with mood and emotions, Hogan sure knows how to snap me out of it! Everything he does is adorable to me, even when he won’t sit still to take a good picture.”

To learn more about this handsome cat, you can follow Hogan on Instagram.