When you get home from a trip, what's the first thing you do?

Does your cat have a middle name?

Does your cat have their own social media account?

Have you ever hired someone to create a custom portrait of your cat?

Do you have a webcam to keep an eye on your cat when you're not at home?

Do you celebrate your cat's birthday?

Choose a cat tree for your cat.

Choose your favorite cat quote.

Where does your cat sleep?

Are You Obsessed With Your Cat
You're definitely obsessed with your cat, but they're probably a bit obsessed with you too! You and your kitty share a very special bond, but make sure to give your feline friend space when they need it. After all, a little distance only makes the heart grow fonder!
No, you're definitely not obsessed with your cat! In fact, we're not even sure if you actually have one.
A little
No, you're not obsessed with your cat, but you definitely could be!