Pick Your Favorite Song!

Where Would You And Your Cat Like To Live?

What Would You Like To Wear?

Choose A Profession!

What's Your Cat's Worst Habit?

Was It Love At First Sight?

When Hairy Met Sally: Which Romantic Comedy Sums Up Your Relationship With Your Cat?
Love Actually
While your relationship with your cat can be complicated, there's no doubt the two of you actually love each very much!
10 Things I Hate About You
You and your cat get on each other's nerves, but when all is said and done, you love and respect one another!
As Good As It Gets
It doesn't get much better than the relationship you have with your cat! You two are very lucky to have each other.
The Wedding Singer
Your cat is your definitely your better half, even if their constant meowing drives you crazy! You two are definitely going to grow old together.
Sleepless In Seattle
While it took a while for you two to find each other, you and your cat are soulmates, even if they keep you awake by meowing and running around the house!
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